• 01 Oct, 2020
  • Event Time: 6:20 PM ET
  • Location: IotSSA (Virtual)

Kicking off Cybersecurity Month, Brian sits down with Tyler Moffitt, Security Analyst with WebrootMichael Crean, President and CEO of Solutions Granted and Scott Davis, Sales Engineer at Liongard, on the current cybersecurity nightmares IT Service Providers and the SMB are facing today.

Some excellent tips from our experts in this panel with the underlying message of, set your customers up for success. With the resurgence of Emotet and the bad guys getting smarter and smarter playing on current societal emotions with a distributed work force, never has there been a more crucial time to work together with your customers in order to secure their businesses and lively hood.

Listen to the Podcast or watch the video at: https://www.iotssa.com/cybersecurity-nightmares/

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